
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Playtime with little Brother

I love watching the big kids with their little brother, so fun to see how much they love him already.
I love Miss Evelyn's expressions, love capturing the everyday moments. 

God is good and faithful to allow us to be able to experience His presents here on earth as we do life. How special  it is to be able to stop and enjoy these moments in the mists of the loud craziness of a house full of small children. I know one day my home will be quiet, the laundry and the dishes will be done and I will miss these moments. So as I pray for patience today I pray for their little hearts as they learn and grow. That they will see His goodness and grace through me, even in the mists of my imperfections I pray that they see a heart that only wants to impress an audience of one. 

Lord change me today to be a mother after your own heart. Help me see through your eyes, show me your plans for each little heart that I am so desperately trying to raise to love and follow you. 

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