
Saturday, July 18, 2015

2 weeks!

We made it two weeks with this new bundle and we are loving every minute. He is the prefect addition to our family, so loved by everyone.

He is eating and sleeping wonderfully and the big kids are adjusting. Every week it gets better, this week we even ventured out on our own to a splash pad and Gram went with us to swim at a community center pool.

I am thankfully feeling like myself again which I am thankful for, it makes my job as mom a little easier.

As you can see the girls love their little brother, they are big helpers and very attentive to his needs. Charlotte calls him a little cutie or little peanut! Dad loves to give the kids nicknames and one of Ben' s is little bunkie. Miss Evelyn likes to also call him that but instead of saying bunkie she says bonkie.

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