
Saturday, June 28, 2014

How I make it work

Here is my top 10 ways that help me find balance as a mom of three little blessings!

  • Spend time with my Jesus daily

            Everyone knows that this can be challenging, remembering that His grace is new each and every day is what keeps me going. If I fall short one day, I continue to try the very next day to give God my best.

  • Being present with my kids

            You know those times when you have a million and one things on your mind. Then your little one asked you to play and you go through the motions but don’t really feel that you are present. I strive to be a mom fully present with my kids leaving my to do list on the counter and my dishes until nap/bed time.

  • Keeping a schedule/routine  

            Any time you have responsibilities I think it’s important to keep a schedule and a list to make sure things don’t get missed. Most kids do the best when they know what to expect and what is expected of them. We consistently try to keep things the same from day to day with naps, playtime, meal times, and bedtime. It is also great when I leave the kids with grandma or a sitter for bedtime because the schedule is already in place and easy to follow.

  • Getting out of the house

            When I went from one kid to three it was a pretty tall order to make it out of the house by myself, but the more you do it the easier it gets. Finding time to get out to the park, library, and play dates help everyone get fresh air and a change of scenery.  I also love to get involved with things during the day like early childhood classes, a mom group through my church, library story hour.  I find that it makes it easier to get out when you have something concrete on the calendar once a week. Don’t forget to find time to get out of the house without the kids, this always help me be a better mom when I am with them.

  • Perusing your passions

            After the girls were born I spent most of my days home with them and quickly found that I needed an outlet. I shortly begin getting involved in with things I am passionate about on a regular basis. I love that God has not only called me to be a mother but also a nurse, mentor, friend, encourager. I encourage you to truly press in and find out where your passion and call is in your life. Many are called but few are chosen Mathew 22:14

  • Do a little cleaning and laundry everyday

            I have definitely learned to embrace the chaos and mess that comes with having small children. It is not realistic for me to be able to just clean my whole house top to bottom in one day while caring for my kids.  I have learned to clean a bathroom and do a load of laundry each day, and then it feels a little more manageable to me.

  • Making my marriage a priority

            Everyone knows that after a baby your partner can take a backseat to the new little bundle.  We definitely felt this way after the girls came, with three kids we felt that even if we spent the day together we hardly had a chance to say anything but a few words to one another. We started by making a once a month date night, and remembering that as much as life may change my husband was first and I don’t want to choose to do life without him. It is worth hiring a babysitter so you can get a little bit of kid free time to refresh. We have also gotten good at having date nights in, where we put the kids to bed and then spend planned time together.

  • Know what’s for dinner

            I was blessed to marry a man who likes to cook, so cooking has always been a shared responsibility. Since I am home it just makes sense if I can get something going before 4pm it helps everyone. Having a plan for what I will make for dinner a week in advance helps me tremendously. Before I would spend all morning scouring pintrest looking for something to make for dinner not present with my kids. I also prep dinner during nap/quite time that way I can fully focus on the task at hand and not feel like I am ignoring the little ones.

  • Learning to say No

            When I started getting involved in more things during the evenings to get out of the house, I suddenly found myself away from home 4 nights a week. Like I said before you need to get out and pursue the passions that God has given you but also find balance. This has come through really praying and listening to his voice on where I need to be spending my time away from my family. Saying “no” or “not at this time” is an importance piece to finding balance in my life. If this is something you struggle with I recommend the book Boundaries.

  • Give Grace

            This life can be hard and giving myself an ok to not be perfect is important.  Knowing that I will never be a perfect wife, mother, and friend helps me be who God created me to be.  I know that I am insufficient in so many ways, and this is why I put my hope and trust in the Lord because thank you Jesus you are all sufficient. Therefore He will help me where I fall short as a wife, mother, and friend. Not forgetting to have grace for my kids because they are also learning. 

Wherever you are and whatever God has called you to do, do it with your whole heart. Complete the race before you, this in and of itself will be your living example to your children.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

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