
Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Summer is here and I feel that I am not as ready for it as I thought. You wait anxiously for 9 long months, hoping, praying for just a few warm days, and then BAM its here. Hot, warm sun and its just what we have been waiting for, and then we go, go, go all day every day just coming home for a few hours for the girls to nap. Or like yesterday no one naps and everyone is at their breaking point and I feel like I should have known better. After 4 years doing this mom thing you would think I would know better or have been more prepared? 

This mamma is exhausted, I am finding myself on my knees more during the day lately just needing strength and joy to make it through the moments. I love that our God is there when I call and cares about all the little things in my life. I am thankful today and reminded that my joy comes from the Lord and is not contingent on my circumstances of this imperfect life. Even when I feel that my children are crumbling all around me I know that we will continue to move forward with the love and joy from the Lord. 

I am encouraged by the fact  that I am training my children daily to love and further the Kingdom, to be respectful adults and this doesn't happen over night.  I may not reap what I sow today or next week but months or years from now if I continue on this path that He has laid out for me. 

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 

 I have to remind myself that it's ok if we just play outside in our yard today, and to give myself a little grace. This parenting thing is not always easy (even if your friend tells you it is ;) or straight forward. 

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