
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little Ladies

I haven't updated for a little bit, blogger loves to give me grief. Anyway, hope every one is having a good week and staying warm if you are here in this frozen tundra( Minnesota).  It was a busy weekend for us, we had some old friends over on Friday for dinner. They are expecting their first, we are hoping we didn't scare them too much. HaHa Actually, are advise is that one is a piece of cake, it only becomes challenging when you are out numbered.
I was excited to go to an editing class on Saturday, so I am hoping to put what I learned to practice and take my pictures to a new level. Sunday, my hubby was planning on going fishing but decide against it because of the cold weather. I was able to go in early to work and work a full 12hrs, which was nice since I only work a couple times a month.
Here are a few pictures I took of the girls last week.




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