
Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 years

My baby is not a baby any more.....

Liam is growing up into such a great leader, so smart and loving.
He is such a great big brother to his little sisters, loves to play with them, chase them around and laugh with them. And of course the girls just adore him!
He amazes me everyday with new things he is learning, he knows all of his colors and shapes. Letters and numbers, he can count to 20 and sings his ABC's.
He can tell me all of the equipment needed to built a road. All of the various different types of cranes, dump trucks, and all of the equipment you need at a construction site. How boring my life would be without a little boy to help me watch for diggers, loaders, and cranes as we drive to school.
He loves to build with blocks and use his imagination playing with his tractors and horses. Loves to be outside especially in the summer when he can play in his sandbox. I think he could play out there for days, and it would never get old to him.
We laugh every day by the funny things things he says.

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy, my life has never been the same since you came into my life. I am so proud of you and love every moment that I get to spent with you, watching you grow into such a great little man.
I am honored to be your mom and be apart of this journey to see what great things God has in store for you.

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