
Monday, January 18, 2016

Hearing the Call

Everyone faces decisions in their life some small and some bigger, but all these decisions can have the power to change the direction of our life.

When I think back to college when I was making a decision on what I wanted to do as a career for the rest of my life, it seemed as if I had just begun to hike a mountain.  Even though I had some sort of direction, I still had to have faith that my God had a plan and a future that was good because I could not yet imagine what this would look like. 

I had an interest in science and compassion for helping others so nursing felt like it would be a good fit. So this is the door I chose to walk through knowing in the back of my mind that if God had a better plan He would change my direction. My grades were not wonderful and when I went to transfer to my nursing program I didn't get all the required classes in, so I was not accepted. I felt so low and it was as if the mountain had become twice its original size.  I then had to wait another year before getting into a program that I prayed was the right program for me. This is one of those turning points in life where you make a decision whether or not you are going to keep striving forward or look around. 

When I look back on this time in my life I know now that the only thing that kept me going was my determination to finish and to get my degree.  Even though at the time I was unsure, I chose to push forward and continue on the path of being faithful to what I believed God had called me to do. 

I believe that because I was faithful God made a way where I could not see a way in the midst of the storm that I was going through. Because of my grades I shouldn't have gotten into nursing school.  But God's will prevailed and He made a way where my human eyes could not see.

If we choose to put up our sails and let God bring the wind we will always be facing in the right direction. This is not saying that you are not going to hit a few waves but with God the sail will not tear and the anchor will always hold strong.

I chose as a young adult to let God in on the big and small decisions in my life and I can say today after following His will for my life that there isn't a day I question whether I should be a nurse I know without a shadow of a doubt that He has called me into this path. As a nurse I tend to see people when they are at their worst and many are hopeless.  I know that everyday I step into those four walls of a hospital I have an opportunity to impact another person's life.  

I love that if we give God an opportunity to move in our life He will, I can say with confidence that if you let God in on the big decisions of your life  you are at the other end you wont just go to a job everyday to receive a paycheck but go to fulfill a calling something bigger than yourself

I think as Christians sometimes we wait in the hallway of life for God to open  the right door and tell us what to do. The truth is if we choose to step out in faith and walk through a door even if we are unsure of the outcome He will carry us and you better believe that if you are listening He will change your direction. 

If you are trying to figure out what to do with your life, or unsure if God has something better for you. Know that He cares about all the big and small decisions in our life and if we choose to let God lead you in all aspects of your life you will be blessed beyond what you could ever image. 

Thank you God that you love so much that you have more for us, help us to be willing and quiet to hear your voice to help guide us in all the areas of this life.

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