
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Last day of first Grade

We made it to the last day of school for Liam, I dropped him off this morning and as I was going through our routine of devotions and prayer I found myself brought to tears with thankfulness that God has brought us through another school year just as He has promised.  

Liam has grown so much this year, from being more independent to getting glasses and having a few less teeth he has taken everything in stride and we are so proud. 

 God is continuing to do amazing things, everyday I get a glimpse at the heart that God  has given Liam and I know that God has big things planned for this boy. I just can't believe how lucky and blessed I am to be able to witness him grow into a mighty man of God. 
I love watching his love for the Lord grow as he learns to trust Him with the small things like calendar math, and  spelling test. Knowing that when you learn to trust God with the small stuff it allows Him a door to do bigger things in and through you. 

God blessed Liam with an amazing teacher so we just love being able to bless her, so last night I took him to the store to get her a small gift. He picked out a bird house and he also so sweetly remembered her favorite color and candy. He will make a wonderful husband someday the way he cares and loves others. 

Everyday before school we read a small devotion and pray. This year I made a declaration that I printed out of scripture of Gods promises. I speak it over my children every day,  I believe in speaking truth over them especially as I send them out into the world.  Because we say it everyday they have started to say it with me which is so powerful, I love giving the Holy Spirit an open door in the morning into our day along with closing the door to the enemy. 

 As I think about how much I love my children I can't help but think if I love them this much how much more does God love them. I am so thankful that we choose to serve such a good and loving father that cares so much for His children. 

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Mathew 19:14

First day of school

Last Day of School

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