
Saturday, December 31, 2016


Going into to 2017, we are extremely blessed and can't wait to see what God has in store for our family!

One thing we have felt God's lead on is starting a small business building Farmhouse furniture. 

You can also check us out at

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

We are so thankful that this day is more than presents under the tree, its His promise to us, that this life is not the end but only the beginning.
As my kids say the best gift we can give Jesus is the gift of ourselves.

May you be surrounded by those you love today and find Joy in the promise of tomorrow. 

We are so thankful that we have only begun to see God's blessing and promises for our family! 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tree Hunting

After 5 days of nonstop running, I am enjoying my evening next to the Christmas tree, editing pictures and blogging. 

We had a busy day heading to church in the morning and then off to find that perfect tree. Hunting for our Christmas tree has to be one of my favorite traditions, and this year was just beautiful. We actually had some snow and it was warm enough that the kids didn't get cold. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

We Voted!

As this day has approached many emotions have run through my mind about the things that are going on in the world around us.
But today my faith and hope is firm in the one that calms the storms, and says peace I give you.
Thankful that my God is still King and nothing today, tomorrow, or next year will ever change that. 

So I hope today that you are doing your part by voting!!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Teach them to Serve

We were able to be the hands and feet of Jesus today with my littles. Packing meals to send to children in Haiti at feed my starving children. 
 My prayer for my children is that they will have a heart to serve others. When our hearts are open to what God has nothing is impossible. 

It is so great to serve at a place where they really walk you through the process and show you how you are making a difference today for a child a crossed the world. They also show you the reality if no one steps up to help.

The kids all did so great today taking turns labeling bags, scooping vitamins and veggies, and weighting the bags. It got a little long at the end and someone noticed "the look" and brought them a box and markers to color. Liam drew a plan so the kids would know how their food will get to them. 

 When we are walking out Liam tugs on my hand and says mom that video made me a little sad. In that moment I knew the feeling he was referring too. I knew that was God right there in that instant  tugging on Liam's heart.  
Thank you Jesus that there is no age limit when it comes to the Holy Spirit speaking and touching every heart. These are the moments that make it all worth it, I love getting to glimpse just a sliver of what God has for each one of my children. 

When you give God an opportunity to move and show up he dose every single time. I want my children to be able to experience God at a young age so their roots of faith will be deep and unwavering in the winds and trials of this life. I want them to taste and see that He is good. Not only because Mom and Dad say He is but, because they have seen and experienced His power for themselves. Only God can touch my children in that way but I feel strongly that its my job to provide opportunities for them to see and know His power. 

His love is so vast and so wide I can't begin to understand His love, and His love for my children. But in moments like today to see Him moving in such an amazing way, just takes by breath away. He loves and cares for each one of His children and has plans for their future. As a mom I am so thankful that I don't have to have it all figured out, because my God's got this. 

If you have a Feed my starving children locally i would defiantly recommend checking it out! 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The girls turn 5


My baby  girls turn 5 today!
I am so in love with everything about these girls, I know without a shadow of a doubt that they are meant to be my daughters.
I cannot fathom being a twin but I know that God has such a tender sweet love for children and to give the girls the gift of a sister closer than a sibling but a womb-mate is so amazing. I love watching them play and interact, they already protect one another. My prayer is that they will always treasure each other and the gift of growing up together. 
As I watch them go through life together I know God has big plans for them. Its so fun to see their personalities flourish and see them develop talents and skills that they love .

Charlotte is our spunky, lovable bug as we call her "Charlie bug"
She loves to color and write
Loves to play pretend and we will still see her imaginary friend "handy"come out at times.
She loves her siblings especially little brother Ben.
She is very nurturing and love to help others out, shes the first one to offer to fill somebody else's cup of water.
She is my shopper, loves to come with me and shop even when shopping for someone other than her
She is the ultimate girly girl loves pink anything that sparkles, princesses, dancing, wearing dresses and loves ponies.

Favorite food: chicken nuggets and french fries
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite: movie: Cinderella
What do you want to be when you grow up: Princes
Favorite thing to play with: my ponies and stuffed animals
Favorite restaurant: Wendy's
Best friend: Dad
Favorite place to go: Costco

Evelyn is our passionate, lovable "bear" as we call her "Evie bear"
She loves animals and hopes to be a veterinarian when she grows up
She is very sweet and will be the first one to give some one a complement
Loves to cook and help me in the kitchen
Will be the first one to jump up and complete a job at home
Still loves her blanket 
Loves to read and be read to
Loves to color pictures of animals and princesses
Loves to go fishing with dad

Favorite food: pizza
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite: movie: PBS kids
What do you want to be when you grow up: veterinarian
Favorite thing to play with: my animals and princess 
Favorite restaurant: Lind'a
Best friend: Charlotte
Favorite place to go: Target

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Today I was reminded that as my world may be spinning around me, my God bends down and gently whispers in my ear. Rest in me, abide in me, my yoke is easy.  
He will fill my cup with the peace and joy that I am longing for until it overflows into the everything and everyone around me. 
I only need to be still

Thank you God that you are a good father and you will continue to meet me right were I am at in my brokenness. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Birthday Party

We had so much fun today celebrating the girls 5th birthday! All the cousins came in their favorite costumes which included 8 kids all 6 years old and under.
The cake lady outdid herself once again making a beautiful cake for the girls!
Thank you to all the family that came to love on the girls as they celebrate another year!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A few week ago I had the privilege to capture a few pictures of my cousin and her family. THe fall colors were perfect and this little cutie was all smiles.