
Saturday, August 29, 2015

2 months

This cutie is 2 months old today! I am so thankful and blessed that my God would reach down and bless us with another beautiful child. Aaron and I can't believe how cute he is and so uniquely different from any of the other kids (of course we are a bit biased) 

Life has never looked so sweet as it does with Ben apart of our family!

Vacation Pictures

We made it back from a week of vacation on lake Amelia.

It was great to have no distractions and to just enjoy each other and the beautiful scenery.

On the first day We got there around 4 pm and it was windy but the kids still rolled up their pants and started playing!

The next day was beautiful, here are the girls helping daddy get ready to go fishing. Evelyn found a friend which she called her bobber which she carried around for the rest of the week.  

Getting suited up to go out in the boat!

Reading with Dad after a morning of fun!

Friday, August 14, 2015

6 weeks

We made it to six weeks and everyone is still alive! My house is loud and sometimes deafening, messy, but full of love and laughter. Thankful for healthy children that love to have pony parties! 

As we hit this six week mile stone I am reminding myself that I just had a baby and its ok to still have up and down days.  Even though i feel like we are getting into a good routine there are still rough mornings which can lead to rough days.

 I am so thankful that my God continues to answer my prayer, He has been so faithful to us and i am excited for what this next chapter holds as we move forward as a family of 6! 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ben's Birth I Part 2

Finally here is part 2 of Ben's birth story, if you missed part 1 here is the link .

After my beautiful delivery, they put Ben on my chest and I as able to hold him while I attempted to deliver the placenta. It ended up that the placenta was still stuck to my uterus, my Doctor made the decision to reach in and manually extract it.  She felt that she had removed it all but hours later I proceeded to continue to bleed and the decision was made to send me to surgery.
After a short ICU stay 3 units of blood, IV antibiotics, and around 7 liters of fluid, I was finally able to start feeling more like myself.

Thankful for compassionate skilled caregivers  that were there with me that night. Being a nurse myself I have experienced life threatening things like this happen daily and know the impact I can have as a caregiver on a patient and their family during those times.  This is the exact reason I feel like God has placed me in this career to impact people and meet them right were they are.

So for me to be on the other side of things as the patient and not the caregiver is different but the things I felt and the amazing staff gave me a new perspective and appreciation for the little things that we do everyday for our patients. 

Never take for granted that impact your words and your actions can have on another life. God has given us just one life to live, choose wisely how you will use it.  Will you choose to serve others or yourself? 

I believe that I serve a God that will make beautiful things  from the ashes and He will restore and make all things new. I am thankful that that night was not the end for me or my family and there is more to the story that God is writing. So, thankful that God has a purpose and plan for my life and he is using my story for His glory.

Once I started to feel more like myself we had the kids come and meet their little brother. 

As the kids walked into the room the first words out of Liams mouth were "is that our baby?" as he pointed in my direction as I was holding Ben.

The girls immediately  ran over to meet their new brother!
Wonderful to spend a few hours together as a family of 6!

Heading home!