
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We were able to get out and play last weekend between the rain showers.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Baby Boy

So blessed to be able to carry this little life inside of me and know that God has a prefect plan already aligned.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

What a miracle it is to share with the people around me and know that all things are prefect in His timing. God has granted us another blessing from above to care and raise for a short time on this earth. Being down this road before I am humbled by the fact that I am weak and flawed and it is only with His strength that I will be able to raise up this little boy to love and trust the Lord. Whether we get 35 weeks or 50 years with this little boy I am choosing to cherish every moment. Every kick, poke and hiccup is beautiful and full of life. In this life we have so much disappointment and sadness but knowing that God is good and faithful no matter what I am walking through is what I will focus on.

One day I will not be here but one thing I must leave with my children is to know and trust the Lord for without His we are but an empty vessel looking for something to fill us. 

Being a mom isn't a job
a hobby, or a task,
It's a calling
A calling to love well
A calling
To instruct hearts
A calling to be present
A calling to give them Jesus

Thursday, May 21, 2015


We sent the kids to stay with my parents this last weekend so we could go car shopping. We currently drive a GMC Acadia which we bought just before the girls were born. At that time we were set on an SUV with a third row, not even considering a minivan. 

At first, things went fine Liam was in the third row and the girls in infant car seats sat in the captain chairs. Once the girls were in convertible car seats front facing we realized that we had very few options for seat arrangements because only three seats had the right tie down for the car seats.

It wasn't until recently that I thought that there might be something to this minivan craze. Because, my kids are all still little and no one buckles themselves in it gets to be a chore to buckle and unbuckle every time we go out and about. Which can be multiple times a day with preschool drop off and other errands.

 Away we went to find our next family commuter, as we checked out the vans and found all the neat gadgets and capabilities, I couldn't help but feel like this car was made for us. In reality it was made for families with children, there are so many things that this car offers that will just make my day to day life easier. 

I had to laugh when Aaron told the sales associate that we were in denial when we bought our last car, as I thought about it more I was sure he was right. Because, we only had one kid at the time and were planning for three under two years old but in reality we had no idea what we were in for and what we really needed. 

So, glad my husband came around to the idea of a minivan, because it truly is one of the best decisions we have made!
Defiantly a must with four kids under five!

We are excited to be back in a Honda!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My sweet husband so graciously took a few pictures of the kids and I last Friday.
33.5 weeks and anxiously awaiting baby brothers arrival.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Big girl beds

Well, three weeks  ago we finally did it at almost 3.5 years old we decided to convert the girls cribs to toddler beds.

Why did we wait so long?
Well, this not being our first rodeo we felt since the girls have never attempted to climb out, why encourage them.

Since Miss Evelyn is such an early riser at 6am and there is no getting her to sleep in and Charley likes to occasionally sleep in. I was thinking it might be nice if she could just get  up and go down stairs without waking the whole house up and  considering the fact that when baby brother gets here I might be a tad more tired and not as willing to be up at 6am.

So, we decided to go for it and from our experience the older they are the more they understand and the more you can reason with them about staying in bed.

The first few weeks have been a win! The girls are doing great and even still napping well together in their big girl beds. 

The only little hurtle we have found is that Charley likes to climb in bed with Evie, so I have been sure to check on them before I head to bed and move a sleeping someone back to her own bed.

Its funny how different their personalities are and that Evie like to sleep and get up early and Charley has been getting to wound up and full of spunk at bed time. She will sing and play in her room much long then Evie and will gladly sleep in. 
My girls are growing up and that's just one more thing that puts them in the big girl category. 

This is how i tend to find the sleeping beauties!

And, this is how I found them one   morning, they had gotten up and proceeded to be playing a game quietly waiting for  me to  get up. 
A mothers dream!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mom's Day

It was moms turn to spend the day with Liam at preschool! 
Loved being able to hang out with my little man!


It's spring at the farm, as soon as the kids get out of the car they take off. First to say hi to the chickens and new baby cows and then to go find the kitties.

We were blessed to be able to have my parents watch the kids over the weekend so we could go shopping for a car and prepare for baby brothers arrival. We are now starting the single digit countdown to meeting him.