
Friday, January 30, 2015

Great Job Mom

Twice in the past week I have been out to eat with my three children when someone has approached our table and proceed to tell me how well behaved my children are. Both, instances I am flooded with emotions and almost brought to tears due to the pregnant hormones, of course ;).  But none the less it is not every day a mom of young children gets this kind of complement. 

My children are currently 5, 3 & 3 years old and by no means are they angels. I do my best to keep the chaos under control.  Usually,  I am scanning my exits to know the quickest route to get out when things start to go south.  As time has gone on and I have a few more trips under my belt I am finding more confidence in my children and myself that we will not have to leave with the white flag raised with screaming kids in tow. But, during those younger years when I had three under three I would have never even though of bring them to a restaurant that didn't have a drive through.

As a mom of young children truly trying everyday to put one foot in front of the other and do the best I can.  A compliment like this from a complete unbiased stranger is like  wining the lottery.  Because, honestly a comment coming from my family just doesn't have the same impact and at times comes with strings attached.

 Don't get me wrong  I have gotten my fair share of rude defeating comments from strangers also, in which I do my best to let it roll off my back and remember who my true judge is.  Remembering that most people have no idea what your life is like and in turn you have no idea what they may be dealing with in their own life.  This is why i feel like making assumptions about others can be hard when you can't see the whole picture.
I feel like this encounter was not by accident and came just when I needed it, to help refill my cup.  To help me get through the rest of the week being thankful for complete strangers that are willing to step out of their comfort zone and bless someone. 

As much as I would like to say that I never need a pat on the back or a good job with that laundry today.  When it does happen it is like that reassurance that reminds me that I am placed right where God wants me.  The confidence to face another day another restaurant with confidence that maybe it wasn't just a fluke. 

I know that there are many other parents out their just like me and next time I pass one in the grocery store with kids in tow I want to be the stranger that says "Good Job".  I pray that I never forget these years that I am  always able to understand with compassion even when my children are grown. 

I challenge you to seek out that person in the restaurant or grocery store and remember how God has blessed you and pass that on.  You can make a difference in the life of another, be courageous today. 

First hair cut

I  took all the kids to get their hair cut before Liam's Birthday party and it just happens that it was the girls first hair cut. At 3 years old they did great much different than taking a 1 year old for the first time. 
They are both blessed with beautiful long hair, but it was ready for a trim. As a mom of girls I want them to have long hair but it doesn't need to be down to their hips. 
They were both pretty proud of their freshly cut hair!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today, I took the girls shopping for big brothers birthday which is on Saturday.
I thought is would be fun for them to pick out a gift to give Liam, Charlotte immediately found a princess cupcake game that she insisted he would love. It took about halfway through Target to convince her he might like legos instead. 

I enjoyed listening to the girls chatting about the toys they found that were "awesome" and "cool".

They are defiantly growing up! 3 going on 16! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Baby Bump #4

Here we go the first official baby bump picture of baby #4!!

We are 18 weeks!

I am feeling great, so blessed for this new life that has already impacted our family in only the best way possible.

The kids love talking about the baby and Liam loves to tell everyone that "their is a baby in my moms tummy". They like to ask me what the baby is doing? "Is the baby sleeping, mom?"

Liam has been keeping me accountable by making sure I don't go out with my friends and eat bad food or drink too much coffee. 

Liam has confirmed it is a baby brother and if you ask him how he knows his answer is simple, because he prayed :) Just love his faith simple, true and no questions asked. He has also named the baby "Cooper". This is a recent development and neither of us are quite sure were he came up with the name. 

It has been such a wonderful gift to experience a pregnancy again with the kids old enough to understand and enjoy the journey.

20 weeks with the girls
Its crazy to think that I had just found out I was carrying twins at this point.

20 weeks with Liam!
I had to double check the date on this one because I barely look pregnant ;) 

Friday, January 16, 2015

He who calls

There are many days I get up and think what am I doing? Am I even cutout to do this think called motherhood? 

Do I really have to make another meal that no one will eat? Finish the laundry just to start again tomorrow. 

The every day tasks of this life can seem fruitless and empty at times. In this phase of life were I have mouths to feed, kids to dress, and a house to clean up after, it can feel very lonely.

Honestly,  I am not cut out to be a good mother, wife, and nurse on my own. It's hard to feel like no matter how hard you try or work you will never reach that trophy of success on your own. And, really what is success? 

God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful. 
1thessalonians 5:24

I love that it is He who calls, and that being a mother is not a mistake or just something that happen by accident. But, that He has called me by name to raise these 4 children and call them my own. To get up everyday even in my weakness because He will give me the tools and strength to face the day.
I need to be reminded that God is on my side and He will help me over come the obstacles in my view. 

Our God is 100% faithful!! 

He who has started a good work in you is faithful to complete it. 
This is the reason I get up everyday and try again is because I know that I am not alone. The Lord promised to be faithful to me and my family and He is faithful.  As I start 2015 I am counting on my God to show up and show off each and everyday because I know that I am inadequate. 

Thank you Jesus that you are faithful and steadfast.

I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing. 
John 15;5

Thank you for the simple blessings and steadfast love!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Singing their hearts out!

The girls received microphones for Christmas and as you can see they are loving them!.
I love how Liam gets in on the dancing

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Before the freeze

We headed out to the farm to help Papa and Gram. The kids got to enjoy a cart ride with dream and run around outside before the cold hits.