
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Enjoying Each Season

I love seeing everyone’s pictures  of the first day of school plastered all over  facebook and instgram today.  But I can’t help but feel a little sense of relief that I am not posting a picture.  I am so thankful that Liam has one more year to be home with us before stating Kindergarten next fall. This year he will start his second year of pre-k, which he is super excited about. 

The first five years can seem long and hectic, I remember distinctly when the girls were infants Aaron and I would just pray for them to grow up because the days could be so trying with two infants and a toddler. After almost three years I can’t help but reminisce at how far we have come and how distant  those days feel. I love where my family is right now their ages are so much fun!  I am choosing to remind myself to enjoy the moments because I have found that the saying is true that  “the days are long but the years are short”

I am choosing to celebrate and enjoy the little things rather than longing for things in the future. I want to be a mom present and mindful of Gods grace and blessings on my life. So, today I will enjoy the snuggles, 101 questions, walks to the park and lunch dates with my littles.

If you are having a less than perfect day with your children, I encourage you to find the joy in each and every little squeak  and smile. Remember today that your joy is not contingent on your circumstances but, comes from within.  And, be careful not to blink because if you do they will all be getting on the bus or heading to collage and you will be in a new season all to soon. 

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