
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Toddler Tales

Liam had a well check up today so I packed everyone up into the toddlermobile and headed off with our new recent jams playing in the car. Once there all three of the kids were enamored with the fish tank, the girls keep talking about the "Nemo" fish. 
Once Liams name was called we headed back to the scale to see how big Liam is. With only one comment asking if they were triplets we made it to the exam room. Since Evelyn is very tall for her age we tend to get the "triplet" question more frequently. 
Liam did great and was very brave and on the way out I told the girls we could check out the fish again. While they were calling for Nemo, I grabbed the basket of stickers and asked the kids if they want one, Liam said no but the girls each picked one and stuck them on their shirt. I turned around and put the stickers back and when I turned I saw to my horror two stickers stuck to the fish tank. I panic and immediately tried to remove them before anyone saw meanwhile my three kids are pushing the handicap button on the doors and attempting to escape. Not my finest mom moments but I assumed being a pediatric clinic they are used to things like that. Right!??
Mind that this was all before 10am!

At my house we choose to embrace the chaos, ask for forgiveness, love each other, and always remember to give a little grace :) 

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