
Sunday, July 6, 2014

More from the 4th!

As we end a fun long family filled weekend, I am so very thankful for my blessings. 

As a Mom one of the many things I want to instill in each of my children is to know how and when to pray. As an adult you forget that it is something that is learned, you don't just know how to pray. I want my children to know to pray with out ceasing when they are healthy, sick, sad, fearful, happy and to pray for others. Part of this as a mom is being open and vocal about your faith as you live it out. 

Tonight as we were playing with the kids after dinner they were giggling and being silly and at one point they started to get very loud. At that point I said that mommy's head hurts,  and then Liam my sweet 4 year old replied  "We need to pray for you".

and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. James 5:15

I love this little reminder from God to continue to plant the seeds into good ground and that nothing is in vein. 

Had to share my 4th of July festive desert!
I decided to make homemade vanilla  pudding with berries and real whip topping.
It was so good, easy, and a hit with the kids!

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