
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hope your Wednesday is filled with LOVE!

We were blessed today to get out of the house after another couple of days of subzero weather. We are grateful for the beautiful sunshine!

I look at this picture and can't believe how big my babies are, not sure if its that their hair is getting longer, or that they just have that big girl look.
 So fun to watch these two beauties grow up together, love seeing their hugs and listening to giggles. There is defiantly something special as a Mom to watch all your children interact within the family.(granted I haven't made it to the moody teen years yet) 
The girls love their big brother as they call "eiam". It's funny to watch Liam as the big brother he has been in a rhyming phase for a while now so the girls get all kinds of nicknames from him, the latest one being "bisies"

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