
Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday!

Four years ago today, I was blessed to become a mother, and I am happy to say everyone is still alive! haha (Even Mom) 
When I became a Mom one of the first thing I learned is how much of a roller coaster it is. You instantly love something so little and immediately try to do everything right. As the years go on I know that perfection is not attainable in parenting. However, the perseverance to continue to become better each and every day is. 
Four years later I want to go to sleep knowing without a doubt that I did everything in my power to be the best mom, wife, sister, and friend today. And know that His mercies are new each and every morning Lamentations 3:22. My favorite mantra right now is "all I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus". 
This is the only way I make it through the good, bad, and the in between days.

The joy of being Liam's mom is something I can't even put into words. I am just in awe of how the holy spirit is working in his life and it brings me to my knees daily. His sweet spirit is one that only comes from above. I love how God is already using him to further the kingdom.  Nothing compares to seeing your children loving Jesus and wanting to build that everlasting relationship. 

I already love the 4th year! My, constantly testing and pushing the boundary, boy is fading into a more helpful, independent one. In just the last month Liam has graduated to peeing standing up, and dressing himself daily. This my seem like a small step but, to this mom it is huge. 
Liam loves school and is learning so much, I am in such awe of how eager he is to learn and do new things.

Dear Liam,  I can't believe it has been four years since I held you for the first time. You are my special boy the one who gave me the title of Mom. You have and will continue to pave the way for your sisters, now that the girls are older I love to see the similarities and differences in each of you.
I love the way you come up to me and ask if you can give me a hug, time stands still for a moment as I take in the last few hugs of the day.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lego Liam

We decided that Liam was old enough for "big boy legos" as he calls them. So for Christmas he received a couple of sets, it has defiantly proved to be lots of fun for him. He is just like his Dad, loves to built and create things.

Liam turns 4 tomorrow and my mother in law saved all of her kids toys, so Aaron will be able to pass down a huge bucket of legos that he played with as a kid.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hope your Wednesday is filled with LOVE!

We were blessed today to get out of the house after another couple of days of subzero weather. We are grateful for the beautiful sunshine!

I look at this picture and can't believe how big my babies are, not sure if its that their hair is getting longer, or that they just have that big girl look.
 So fun to watch these two beauties grow up together, love seeing their hugs and listening to giggles. There is defiantly something special as a Mom to watch all your children interact within the family.(granted I haven't made it to the moody teen years yet) 
The girls love their big brother as they call "eiam". It's funny to watch Liam as the big brother he has been in a rhyming phase for a while now so the girls get all kinds of nicknames from him, the latest one being "bisies"

Thursday, January 23, 2014

When it's cold out

I finally got around to ordering a large canvas of our family picture from this summer, the box proved to be worth it's postage.
It's always funny how entertaining a box can be, but that is what being a kid is all about, right? 
I am always amazed at the toys on the market these days, and how little room they leave for children to play pretend. Aaron and I have worked hard at purchasing toys that let the kids play a million different ways. I think the best part about a box, blocks, or dress up clothes is that in 6 months these toys will still be new and fresh. 

What else can you do when the high is -10? Camping in the dinning room of course!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Silly Bear

I took all the kids out today to tot time in Maple Grove for the first time in over a week. It's a little weird feels like we are hibernating or something. Which is pretty much what it is when the weather is so cold that your skin freezes in  2 to 3 mins. The schools have all been closed the last two days due to the extreme cold weather.  So much for global warming!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

We have been trying to keep busy inside since it's been so cold.