
Friday, November 29, 2013


Today, I wanted to write a little about what makes my life so richly blessed. I have so much to be thankful for, my family, friends,  job, a wonderful church, and the gift of time that allows me to enjoy the little moments.

Being at home with my kids every day is such a gift, but at times my eyes miss out on the little details of every day life. I am so thankful for Charlotte's giggles, Evelyn's snuggles,  Liam's silliness, but more than anything I am thankful for the little moments that I get to spend with them.

 Every morning I am awakened to Evelyn (she is my earlier riser) I go into the room and proclaim good morning, I am always greeted by smiles. I scoop them both up and head down to couch were the girls drink their milk, we are able to snuggle while watching morning cartoons. It is in these little moments that I am reminded how blessed I am.

The older they get the more I want to freeze time because it is going so fast.  I am going to challenge myself this year to journal, take more pictures, and just breathe in the moments. Because, once they are gone all we have is memories and I want my memories to be in color.

Thank you for the little moments that are just pieces to the big picture of life. I recieve so many gifts, and want to give thanks to the one that deserves all praise.

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