
Friday, November 29, 2013


Today, I wanted to write a little about what makes my life so richly blessed. I have so much to be thankful for, my family, friends,  job, a wonderful church, and the gift of time that allows me to enjoy the little moments.

Being at home with my kids every day is such a gift, but at times my eyes miss out on the little details of every day life. I am so thankful for Charlotte's giggles, Evelyn's snuggles,  Liam's silliness, but more than anything I am thankful for the little moments that I get to spend with them.

 Every morning I am awakened to Evelyn (she is my earlier riser) I go into the room and proclaim good morning, I am always greeted by smiles. I scoop them both up and head down to couch were the girls drink their milk, we are able to snuggle while watching morning cartoons. It is in these little moments that I am reminded how blessed I am.

The older they get the more I want to freeze time because it is going so fast.  I am going to challenge myself this year to journal, take more pictures, and just breathe in the moments. Because, once they are gone all we have is memories and I want my memories to be in color.

Thank you for the little moments that are just pieces to the big picture of life. I recieve so many gifts, and want to give thanks to the one that deserves all praise.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today I am so thankful for teachers. Last night I went to my first parent teacher conference, I wasn't sure what to expect. The first thing Liam's teacher said to me was how much she loved Liam and enjoyed having him in her class. My response was to smile and laughed, as a Mother your children are the best their is. To hear an unbiased person say good things about your kid is like a wave of reassurance that I haven't just been lying to myself.
I am really feeling blessed to be able to be home and offer Liam the experience to attend preschool. I can't believe how much he has learned in just a short amount of time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

First snow

Today I am thankful for the beautiful Minnesota weather. The girls couldn't stop talking about the snow this morning!

DIY Play Kitchen

For about a year I have wanted to find a play kitchen for the kids, I really struggled with finding one big enough for my three kids to play with at once. So for the girl's 2nd birthday we decided to build one, it took us about two weeks working on it in the evenings after the kids were in bed to complete it.

Many of the play kitchens out there are not very appealing to the eye so I love that I was able to customize this one and I am proud to display it in my home for years to come.

I found plans for the play kitchen from here, Aaron made a few changes to make it fit our family. He extended the counter adding more work space, storage and shelves.

I found lots of inspiration on pintrest! You can see my pinned board here.

The curtain under the sink was one of my favorite parts adding just a little bit of fun.  I enjoyed picking out the fabric, I actually found the fabric first and then matched the paint color.

I used a couple site to get the measurements for the curtain, here and here.

I really love the way it turned out!

I am blessed with an extremely talented husband that created a really cute life like cook top. The kids can actually turn it on and off with the knob. He also added lights in the oven and in the refrigerator.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Double Scoop Birthday Party

We celebrated the girls turning two with a birthday party with family a couple weeks before their actual birthday.
I did  a ice cream themed party "double scoop" since they are twins.
We built the girls a play kitchen, which you can see below. Aaron was up until wee hours finishing it before the party. We are thrilled with how it turned out, I will post how we built it soon.

 Waiting for cake!

Everyone was able to enjoy the kitchen!

Since yesterday I was thankful for my sweet girls, today I am thankful for being blessed to be Liam's Mom.
What a gift it is to be his Mom, he amazes us every day with his thoughtfulness and witt. I am so excited for this new chapter in his life of learning, he loves and looks forward to going to school. I am amazed at how much he is taking in, last week I had the pleasure of going and being the helper in his class. I can't believe how much they pack into the short 2.5 hours of class time. I loved being able to just watch him interact with his teacher and classmates. I am so proud of this little man and just in awe of what God is doing in his life. Can't wait to watch him move mountains and change the world.

Monday, November 4, 2013

2 years

Today has finally come, the day my little girls turn two!

I am so thankful that two years ago I was blessed with not just one Little girl but two. The Lord truly knows my heart and how much I wanted to have a daughter to raise.

I am so blessed that they each look very different and have their own unique personalities.
Evelyn is my most outgoing child who knows what she wants when she wants it. She is very much a snuggle bug, loves her blanket which she lovingly refers to as "mimi". She amazes us daily with her vocabulary, I can't even keep track of the words and sentences she says.

Charlotte is my little compassionate child she will comfort her siblings when they are sad. She is very sweet to her dolls and loves to scoot around with her baby stroller pushing everything from a doll, dishes to her cup. She has defiantly found her voices and talks  a mile a minute.

One of my favorite things to do as a mom of twins is to watch their special bond that the girls share, and at two years old it is pretty apparent how much they care for one another. They rarely fight over things but play well with each other always aware of where their sister may be. I love listening to them talking and giggling in their beds after we have put them down for the night.

Raising little women is today's world is a very scary thing, but I am reassured that I am raising world changers and they will not leave this world the same as they found it . The plans that the Lord has for their lives are greater then I can imagine. As a Mom I have chosen to speak life over my children daily. I know that they are put on this world for greatness, which I have the privilege of seeing.

Isaiah 61:8-9 “For I, the LORD, love justice; I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, And their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the LORD has blessed.”

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 1

I am 20 minutes late but, I love the idea of a month of giving thanks rather than just a day.

When I was driving to work tonight they were talking on the radio about having a bad and how you can never have a bad day if the day was never yours in the first place.

So today I am thankful that I serve the God who created each and every day and the most important thing I can do is thank him for that.

Thank you Lord for the air that you let me breath for the privilege to take my kids to the park and watch their smiles and hear their giggles.
Thank you that I was able to go to work tonight to a job were I was blessed to hold a women's hand and provide her with the  reassurance that she needed.
I am thankful for those moments in time that are truly gifts that only He can give.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Two Flowers and One Fireman!

We went to Liam's preschool last night for Halloween. They had a trunk or treat event with games inside for the kids. The kids had fun and Dad finally got to see where Liam goes to school.