
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rub a dub dub

3 babes in a tub

The girls got new bath toys for their birthday and everyone had to get in the tub and test them out!

Today I am thankful for a wonderful weekend with my family!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey Day

Hope every one had a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving! I had a wonderful day celebrating with my little family, watching the Macy's day parade and enjoying turkey.

My heart is so thankful for everything in this life, but most of all for my Lord Jesus for with out Him I would have nothing.

Decking the Halls.....

The kids are so excited about going to get our Christmas tree tomorrow, I just wish it wasn't going to be so cold.

Potty Training

 Taking Bullseye to the potty

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19

We are getting closer to Turkey day!
Today I am thankful for great neighbors and friends. It has been fun getting to know the people that live around us.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pink 1st Birthday!

Even though we had to reschedule the party, it still turned out to be a great day. The girls seemed to have a good time, just taking in all of the people around them.

You are only blessed with twins girls once, Right? So, I had to live it up and go all out with the tutus and leg warmers. I was proud of myself for making their cupcake shirts.
New chair's from Papa and Gram
Monthly picture banner of the girls
Playing with their new toys!
Getting ready for cake!!

The girls did not get as messy with their cakes as their big brother did on his first birthday.

Day 18: I am thankful for warm days in November, today it was in the 50's which is really nice for Minnesota this time of year. Aaron was able to get things done outside that still needed to be done before we get a lot of snow.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


We were finally able to celebrate my girls first Birthday!

Day 17: I am thankful to everyone who help celebrate with us today!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

So Liam was so cute today, he says "Mom want you think about? I said nothing, Liam what are you thinking about? I think about my sandbox."

Day 15: I am thankful for the things little kids say, they have such a great way of brightening the day.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sick Babies

Day 12: I am thankful for happy and healthy children.

We are better today, but not 100%. Liam had a better day, the girls are still having quiet a bit of loose stools. With sore butts we have resorted to frequent warm water baths. So here is Charlotte at 9:00 tonight because she woke up with a dirty diaper. Praying she can sleep all night now.

Love her curls!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday evening after a very long and tiring last couple of days we are praying that our little angels stay asleep tonight. Friday, started are weekend out with one sick kid and quickly moved on to the next, I chose to cancel the girls first birthday party thinking that someone would still be not feeling well today. I am glad I did, there is no way we could have had a party here. We are looking forward to celebrating next weekend with our sweet healthy girls!

Catching up on the last few days: I am thankful that tomorrow is a new day! Love that His mercy's are new every morning.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8

I am thankful for laughter, when my day seems long all I need is to hear one of my babies giggle to give me a boost. Makes me smile from the inside out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Baby Levi

One year ago we lost an amazing little boy.......
 We wanted to create a special memory to honor Levi on his first birthday.

We let three balloons go up to heaven for Levi,  
First, to remember his days here on earth with us. How amazing it is that such a tiny person can change and impact so many lives in such a short time. 

Second, for all of the loved one's left here on earth, especially for his mom and dad, you are in our thoughts and prayers today.

And third, for the day that we will see him again signing and dancing with the angels. For this life is only but a holding place, we have faith that we will spend eternity with our Lord and the ones we love.

We rejoice in faith and hope that we will see our nephew/cousin little Levi again.

Faith means believing in realities that go beyond sense and sight. It is the awareness of unseen divine realities all around you.
Joni Eareckson Tada

Thank you Jesus that your plans are bigger than our plans. So many times our human minds cannot understand tragedy's so great as loosing a loved one.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways. For heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher then your ways, and My thought than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 8-9

Praying today for peace  for Levi's mommy and daddy. That they will know how much they are loved.

Uncle Aaron, Auntie Liz and your cousins Liam, Evelyn, and Charlotte

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6: Today I am thankful for a heart of compassion, compassion for the lost and the Lord's never ending compassion for a sinner such as I.

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8

Sometimes one little spark of kindness is all it takes to reignite the light of hope in a heart that's blinded by pain. Barbara Johnson

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5: I am thankful that I am not a single parent, after being on my own since Friday I welcomed the help from my hubby. As a mom of three kids under two I can say that I defiantly took for granted the ability to easily run to the store any time needed before the twins. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4: I am thankful for a little boy that asked if I want to snuggle him on the couch tonight. Thank you Jesus for all of your many blessing may I never forget this little boy just as he is today.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday

What a great day it was one year ago today! I was more than ready to meet my little girls that day. God gave me so much peace and stillness, I knew that He was in control and I was just along for the ride. I was very much reminded that wonderful day of His faithfulness to me, and his never ending love.

What a blessing you girls are to our family. I laughed yesterday at school when one of teachers proceeded to help me by holding Charlotte and Liam cried out in protest "that's my baby, you can't have my baby". So thankful for such a protective big brother. I know that God has given him such an important role in their lives.

The last year has been nothing short of amazing and I am glad to be able to look back and say that I am thankful for His grace each and every day.

Charlotte where do I begin, as I am typing this you are sitting in my lap because you insisted that you didn't need an afternoon nap. I can't help but love your spunk, you are one determined little girl. From even before you were born at our first ultrasound the tech said as you were jumping and being crazy that "she doesn't seem to care that she is kicking her sister". Even moments before you were born as the Doctor and everyone else is patiently waiting for you to put your hand down and be born to the moment you came out yelling your determined personality shown brightly.
You have always been a bit ahead of your sister in the gross motor department, first to roll, sit, and crawl. The walking is yet to be determined but Evelyn is showing a little bit more determination so we will see. You are constantly smiling or yelling but happy. I love that you have my hazel eyes and a little curl to your dark blond hair. You love to clap and wave bye bye!

Evelyn my first born girl you are my good sleeper, mellow, calm until you need or want something. In the beginning we always said you were 0 to 60 in two seconds. As I have grown to know you more, you just know what you want and you would like it now. Right after you were born they laid you on my tummy and you never made a peep you were determined to get your arm in your mouth, and that was the moment I knew exactly what they mean when they say that some babies just have a stronger need to suck. And at one year you are still sucking your fingers.
You are beautiful with daddy's bright blue eyes, and a smile that lights up the room. You are so patient, in such a busy household sometimes someone has to wait. Your are ahead in the teeth department with 8 and counting. You also love to clap and wave bye bye.

I am looking forward to another fun year watching you both grow up into little ladies. I am so thankful that God has intrusted me with the oppurtunity to be your mom.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us this past year, we are truly greatfull.

Day 3: I am thankful for the last year, it's crazy when you think how two 6 pound and 7 pound little beings can change your life from normal to turbo speed. I never want to imagine my life with out my little ladies. They are such precious gifts from above.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hello November

Well, here we are into November where did the fall go?
Aaron left this evening for the big hunt and the kids and I are hoping for a fun weekend.

I had to post a few pictures of my very handsome grown up little boy from this week. Love him to the moon and back!

A month of thankfulness...Today I am thankful for an amazingly wonderful husband that is a steadfast partner and friend in this life. Thank you Jesus for your gift of marriage.