
Friday, March 1, 2013

Week in review

It's been a up and down week for us.
Monday we checked out a preschool with all the kiddos in tow.
Tuesday the girls had their 15 month well check which went well, the girls are growing like weeds.( post to come) In the morning little bear had fallen and hit her head, I didn't think to much about it until dinner when she started to throw up. Which can be scary since vomiting is a sign of increased intracranial presser or in layman's terms head injury. I called the clinic, they referred us to Children's hospital to be assessed for a head injury. She is fine and we survived our first trip to the ER.
Wednesday Liam had a fun morning taking Gram and Papa to school and then to lunch.
Thurday was low key and today little bear has not been feeling herself so another movie day.
On a wonderful note I found a great preschool to send Liam to next fall!

Liam fell asleep on the couch today, which never happens.

Here's to a wonderful blessed weekend!

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