
Friday, July 13, 2012

Children's Museum

Last week during the unbearable hot stretch we took a family trip to the children's museum to be able to get out of the house and not die of heat. They had a curious George exhibit and we love George at our house so we wanted to take the kids.
If you are not familiar with the children's museum this is their mission statement. 
Minnesota Children's Museum is dedicated to providing children with a fun, hands-on and stimulating environment to explore and discover. The Museum helps to instill a life-long love of learning by nurturing the real-world skills children need to become engaged citizens in the future
Liam had so much fun we are thinking we will purchase a family pass to be able to go back a few more times this year. I am looking forward to taking the kids this winter when it's to cold to be outside.

Liam figuring out how to put it together

The girls had fun too!

Charlotte getting dads hat.

Liam loves to fish where ever he goes!

Evelyn all wore out.

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