
Friday, October 24, 2014

A Fall Party

We celebrated the girls 3rd birthday a little early with a party at an apple orchard last weekend! We had beautiful weather for Minnesota I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. We loved having family and friends join us as we celebrated 3 fun adventurous years with our princesses. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Let's Paint Pumpkins

Senior Session

Wanted to share a few of my favorite photos I captured of my little brother. 

Remembering your blessings

I will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill. And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26

Today I need to remember that in each new season God sends down His blessings upon our lives. They may come in the fall leaves as they change from green to red and yellow and then fall to the ground or in the cool crisp fall breeze. As life throws us curve balls and things change as the seasons change, I am choosing to remember and dewel on all that He has given me. 

We live in a world that tells us that what we have is never enough. There will always be a nicer car, a bigger house, more money. It is easy to jump up and say that what I have is not enough, it is much harder to say that what I have is enough. Choosing to trust in Him, that His timing is prefect. Believing that the blessings God has for me are for me. God has provided for all my needs so today I remembering that I am blessed beyond what I can imagine. 

Today as I get up before the sun rise before I choose to open my eyes because I am a Mom and thankful that someone needs me. I will get them milk and a banana, find myself a cup of coffee and with the light of the lamp I will open up His word and start a day brand new choosing to let His joy fill all that I am. 

Today is a new day, a day that I can try again with a whole new set of patience, joy, and love for my blessings around me. And sing of His praises over my life for every hair on my head is counted and His plans will far exceed the plans I could imagine for my life. 

We have all received one blessing after another. God’s grace is not limited. John 1:16

What blessings are you choosing to remember today?-

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I had a chance this past weekend to try my hand at senior pictures. Here are a couple from the session.