
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Little Momma

Since having twins or three little kids, it is always a challenge to get one on one time with any of them. So, It is always special when I do get those moments with each of them.
Charlotte has started to get into playing pretend with her dolls, which just melts my heart. After having a boy first there is something so special about having little girls. Maybe it's because they will want to grow up and be a mom just like me.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gus { 6 months }

My sister in law and her little boy came down for a visit this week. She asked if I would snap a few pictures of little man. I just love all of his little baby rolls!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Daddy Day

I am a little late, but wanted to tell you about the wonderful men in my life.

To my love what a blessing it is to be able to raise this trio with you. You have stepped up in ways I could not have imagined in the last three and a half years. Going from one to three kids in 21 months is craziness and  most men would have crumbled, but not you ;) You are truly amazing and we are all so blessed to have you!

To my dad, what an privilege it is to be called your daughter. You are such a wonderful, giving, and loving person I am so honored to call you my Dad.
The only thing better than having you as my Dad is my children having you as their Papa.
Thanks for all you do and continue to do in my life and the life of my children.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Where are you sun

Last weekend was literally the last time we have seen the sun, it has been cloudy, cold, and rainy all week.

We went down the road to the three rivers park reserve to have "an adventure" as the kids like to call it and take some pictures.

Little man found some wood to stack, contact me for his hourly rate ;)