
Monday, March 26, 2012


I am loving this song today as I am reminded that He overcame! I am encouraged to know that He is my peace and salvation.  

We were able to enjoy the wonderful weather this past weekend

This is just one of the worms that Liam found outside to show us.

Spring has sprung

Charlotte and Mom Enjoying some sun

Love this Man that God created for me! As we walk through this crazy adventure we call our lives I am so blessed to not be alone, thank you for laughing along with me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Liam quote of the day
Liam: Super Boy! Super Boy!
Mom: What super powers does Super boy have?
Liam: Muscles
Gotta love little boys and their imaginations!

Liam talking to Evelyn

My girls

Evelyn decided she likes her fingers best!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


This is what happens when the Momma of three kids under two is under the weather for a few days LAUNDRY.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I opened a You Tube account and this is the first video I uploaded. I wanted to share it with all of you because it is so darn cute. It was taken a few weeks ago but Evelyn by far is my little chatter box. I am hoping to add more videos to the blog for those of you who don't get to see the kids very often.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4 months old!

The Girls are:
Rolling over front to back
~Charlotte was first and Evelyn followed later.

Cooing, smiling, and more recently laughing.
~Charlotte laughed for me last week. Aaron was so proud that he got Evie to laughed out loud for the first time.

Holding their heads up
~ Of course the girls are rock stars at this!

Grabbing for toys and holding onto a rattle

They are so much more observent of their surroundings,
~They will follow Liam all over the room with their eyes. I can't wait until they starting laughing at their big brother.

It's so much fun to watch them grow and change every day I feel so blessed to be able to be home with them.

On to the next stage of toys

Playing on the floor with Daddy!
As a Mom of twins I have waited for the day that my twins would hold hands.

Evie: 11 lbs 14oz  24.5 in
Charlotte: 10 lbs   23.25 in

Thursday, March 1, 2012


As I was finishing up getting everyone dressed I went to find what Liam was up to. And to my surprise this is what I discover.....

I guess I am a little too trusting