
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Making Room

I was recently at work and after all the patients were gone and it was just another nurse and I left.  I started making small talk chatting about our families and such. The topic of church came up and she mentioned she was trying to find a church home, we continued to chat about our faith. She shared with me about how she has been struggling and I was able to feel God speak through me and encourage her to keep on the path, for our God is faithful! And, in that moment I knew that this is why I came to work today. It was to encourage her and be a blessing, in her current walk with the Lord. 

As I drove home I started to think what if we made an opportunity to let God move everyday no matter the circumstances? How many people could He touch by us just being obedient? How would my life change if I have a willing and open heart and ear to His voice?

"But this is what I commanded them, saying, 'Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.'
Jeremiah 7:23

I encourage you to make room for what God want to do through you today! You never know how it could change your life!

Ben decided  to get four teeth in a matter of a few weeks, lets just say it was a few sleepless night for mom. All four are through now and in this picture you can see the bottom teeth. 

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