
Monday, November 4, 2013

2 years

Today has finally come, the day my little girls turn two!

I am so thankful that two years ago I was blessed with not just one Little girl but two. The Lord truly knows my heart and how much I wanted to have a daughter to raise.

I am so blessed that they each look very different and have their own unique personalities.
Evelyn is my most outgoing child who knows what she wants when she wants it. She is very much a snuggle bug, loves her blanket which she lovingly refers to as "mimi". She amazes us daily with her vocabulary, I can't even keep track of the words and sentences she says.

Charlotte is my little compassionate child she will comfort her siblings when they are sad. She is very sweet to her dolls and loves to scoot around with her baby stroller pushing everything from a doll, dishes to her cup. She has defiantly found her voices and talks  a mile a minute.

One of my favorite things to do as a mom of twins is to watch their special bond that the girls share, and at two years old it is pretty apparent how much they care for one another. They rarely fight over things but play well with each other always aware of where their sister may be. I love listening to them talking and giggling in their beds after we have put them down for the night.

Raising little women is today's world is a very scary thing, but I am reassured that I am raising world changers and they will not leave this world the same as they found it . The plans that the Lord has for their lives are greater then I can imagine. As a Mom I have chosen to speak life over my children daily. I know that they are put on this world for greatness, which I have the privilege of seeing.

Isaiah 61:8-9 “For I, the LORD, love justice; I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, And their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the LORD has blessed.”

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