
Friday, October 4, 2013

5 years of Bliss

Five years, I feel like I should get a medal or something. How much life changes after you meet that special one.  

When I first met my love I had just graduated, passed my RN boards, and set to start my very first real job in a few short weeks. definitely at a turning point, in my life and was ready to step into that next phase.

It all started when my Mom mentioned that a gal she work with had a younger brother that just moved to the same town where I was living. I said great give me his number I will call him, I was always looking for more friends ;) So, on my way home from my nanny job I called him and left a very brief message asking if he might want to meet. Low and behold he called back and we set up a time and place. We meet at the local Applebee's and found that we have similar backgrounds and at the same point in life. That night ended with him asking me to see a movie I replied by mentioning if we didn't stop talking we wouldn't leave any thing else to talk about later.

Our first picture together

The next few months flew by and he proposed 6 months later and we were married 10 months after that.

I am in awe of how God's hand was in every small detail in our relationship and still continues to guide our family. I am so blessed to have an amazing God fearing man leading my family, he is truly my prince charming.

"When couples love God first they love each other better" Brela Delahoussaye



"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15

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