
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve


We cut out and decorated cookies today.  Liam asked for gingerbread cookies this year so i found a recipe and we tried it out. 


We made it to see Santa this week, with Liam in school right up until Christmas Eve we had to get creative with when to go.

We decided to pick Liam up from school and head down town in the early evening in hopes to beat the crowds. 

As you can see our trip was successful and the first year mom and dad didn't have to be in the Santa picture. Yeah!! We decided to make an evening out of our trip and make a few stops on the way home to see Christmas lights.

So fun making memories with my family!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Preschool Christmas Program

Yesterday, the girls had their Christmas program for school, as you can see they were both the cows that kept the stable warm on the night baby Jesus was born. 
They have been singing the songs for weeks, so it was cute to finally see them sing all of the songs they have been practicing. 
The program is always so sweet, I could tell that the girls were a little unsure up on the stage in front of everyone. As the program went on they started to relax.
Evies favorite song that they sang was Go tell it on the Mountain
Charlotte favorite was Away in a manger

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Candy, frosting & Graham crackers

I love incorporating a few festive holiday traditions that the kids will always remember. 
Two years ago I bought a pre-made house and while the girls took their nap Liam and I decorated it, Liam has always remembered this which is why I though it would be fun to make it an every year tradition. 
This year I wasn't thrilled with the idea of buying pre-made houses times three, so Aaron mentioned that he had made them out of graham crackers in the past, so I decided to try it out.
Liam and I when to the store to gather the supplies, then Aaron and I assembled the houses while the kids rested. 
I then found a great use for all the old Halloween candy and a few new Christmas m&m's. I normally would never buy holiday candy so this was definitely  a special treat for the kids. 
As you can see Miss Evelyn enjoyed testing out the frosting, she also made a new discovery about the m&ms "Dad did you know that their is chocolate in these" 
The kids did a great job decorating, they were very proud of their masterpieces.

Christmas Card

Finally got my Christmas cards made and mailed out this past week

Friday, December 11, 2015


I am choosing to trust Him in the middle of the storm today, He is the only one true thing that will never change.
I am thankful today that I don't have to carry this burden alone, that He is beside me protecting and guiding my family until the end.
For He is faithful!!

The storms will rage, and the winds will blow. But to believe in the middle of it all, to have faith that leads to hope in Jesus, that’s the secret to riding out the storms in life.  Today, if circumstances and worry are tossing you about, cast your anchor of hope into Jesus and pray for the faith to believe His promises are true. He is powerful enough to calm your storms and keep you safe." ~ Sharon Glasgow:

May you be blessed today no matter what storms you may be facing He cares and will carry you though. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015


I am the first one to confess that the Holiday season can make my head spin with all that I want and need to get accomplish. 
But, today I am choosing to breath and be joyful for smiling babies and a warm home and finding ways we can choose to give back and teach my children what Christmas is all about. 
God has given us a wonderful opportunity to reach others during this time, so before you go around collecting everyone list why not think about those who truly need a gift this season.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Childlike faith

This weekend I started coming down with something and Monday morning I woke up not feeling my self I asked my 5 year old to pray for me and with out any hesitation he grabbed my hand and prayed "Jesus help my mom to feel better, Amen".

As a mother this is what  I have prayed for that my children will come to know and put their trust in the one who saves. That they will continue to make a choice to follow Him, that through us they will learn to pray to the only one who can truly heal us and they will see their prays be answered.

So thankful today that in this world that seems uncertain we can put our trust in the one who is victorious today and forever. 

Here is some cuteness for you Tuesday afternoon!

Friday, December 4, 2015

5 Months!!

Happy 5 months to Ben a few days late!
Ben is getting so strong with his legs and almost sitting unassisted!
He loves to reach out and grab anything and everything he can reach.
He loves to splash around and reach for toys in the bath tub!
He loves to play on his tummy and roll to his back.
I love watching him instantly light up when ever he sees any of his siblings, so sweet. He is so lucky to have so many built in playmates.