
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Growing a healthy family

I am passionate about raising healthy strong kids, and ever since Liam was about 18 months he went through the typical toddler phase of picky eating habits. Being a new mom I found that getting my child to eat was not easy at times and with all the mac and cheese, french fries, and chicken nuggets out there it can become easy to get into the pattern of feeding him things that had little to no nutritional value.

It came to a point that we didn't make meals a big deal and he would eat when he was hungry. But, something changed in me that said if he only chooses to eat one thing all day I want that one thing to be nutritionally beneficial to him.

Which brings us to today, I have now been home full time with the kids for the last 18 months and during that time I have gone from barely cooking because my husband likes to cook, to cooking and baking everything we eat.  I am proud of myself and how far I have come, educating myself to be able to make big changes in the way I view food, therefore changing the way I raise my children to view food.

The biggest thing we did was cut out all processed food, unless it is made with less than 5 ingredients and you have all of them in your kitchen. This forces you to read labels and I am telling you it will change the way you view food at the grocery store.

For snacks the kids eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, but they like any one else can only eat so many bananas. So, one of the snacks I make I found off of pintrest.

Breakfast cookies:

3 bananas (mashed)
2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup organic raisins
1 egg
1/4 cup whole milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 TBSP honey or maple syrup

Mix all together
Bake on a greased cookie sheet at 350 for 15 - 20 minutes.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Well.... after unsuccessfully looking for "friend" for the last hour, we are crossing our fingers that Liam will sleep without his beloved stuffed little horsey friend.
The bedtime routine with our once easy no fuss going down 3 year old has turned into a "I need to go potty, I can't sleep" kind of kid. We are hoping with consistency he will be back to his old easy to put to bed kind of kid.

Looking forward to a new day.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Leaving a Legacy

We are apart of a church that is starting on their journey to build a new church building. As they share their vision with the people that call this church home, the pastor wants us to build something bigger than ourselves to leave a legacy.

All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.
~ Jim Rohn

Building a legacy, what a profound thought. As a mother leaving a legacy is much more real than ever before because my legacy runs around in three little beings I call my children.

They hear and see everything, I am not a perfect mother, very imperfect but through the grace of God I wake up each and every morning and start fresh. Knowing every day that my actions effect more than just myself is a very scary and humbling experience. How amazing it is that you will live on in your children and your children's children.

I want to live each and every day with purpose and clarity for what God has called. This life is only but a glimpse and a gift. As a caregiver personally and professionally making a difference in other peoples lives is something that I am passionate about, but I want to go further and really leave this world different than how it was. I love the idea of doing something bigger than myself and more than I can see or imagine. I am thankful today for faith, hope, and love from His truly for with out it, I know I would be powerless.

What legacy are you leaving?

The girls are 18 months!! Crazy how fast 1.5 year has gone.

Evelyn Jane ~  22 lbs 5 oz 33 inches tall

Charlotte Grace ~ 20 lbs 4.5 oz 32 inches tall

Sunday, May 12, 2013


'Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide FOREVER to have your heart go walking around outside your body' Elizabeth Stone

How true is that, becoming a mom is such a precious gift.
I hope all of the Mom's enjoy their day today!

I am heading to work to care for my patients that may not have their mom by there side as they battle sickness. When I chose to become a nurse, I chose to stand in the gap for another. I am blessed to be able and willing to be there for others.

My bessings from above

Friday, May 3, 2013


Finally spring has arrived!
Liam hoping to master his bike this year!